Songs on loop (while making this)

1. How I Get Myself Killed by Indigo De Souza

specifically looped 30+ times according to last.fm. the way she sings the ending verse is magical — "im lovin your skin darling / im lovin this hot morning / i need to be kicked, maybe fucked, maybe told im in the way" — the most fun ive had singing something in a long while..

really sizzling in the memory of seeing her open for vundabar 2 long years ago! i will soon see her solo a show at the end of jan .. exciting

Listen (Spotify)

2. Everybody's Birthday by Hana Vu

public storage is one of my AOTYs. see you in brooklyn in jan

Listen (Spotify)

3. Silver (AG Cook Cover) by Astra King

Listen (Spotify)